Adelia at Riverside Drive Marina
Whangarei, New Zealand Oct 30th 2007-May 12th 2008

From the first day we met Ray Roberts in Tahiti, Riverside Drive Marina was where we wanted to be. Ray threw out the welcome mat and what a welcome is has been. From the initial welcome at the Whangarei Cruising Club and the Maori welcome and farewell ceremony, the hospitality we received while in Whangarei will never be forgotten.

Boat Yard

We found Riverside Drive Marina to be a full service marina with onsite contractors. Adelia haul out was timely and done with great care.

Adelia Haul out

When the work was done Ray was happy to take Kip and Pete fishing. It was a great fishing trip we caught heaps of great tasting snapper.

Got one
Our last few days

The Riverside Drive Marina and New Zealand in general was a great place to spend seven plus months, we enjoyed the people, we saw wonderful things and made a lot of new friends who we'll miss when we leave. We truly enjoyed our stay at Riverside Drive Marina but our adventure does not end here.

Thank you Ray and staff for taking such great care of Adelia and our needs while we were here. Goodbye my friends. It's smoko time (tea time) as you Kiwi's would say.
You can follow our continuing voyage through